I’m currently getting bogged down with other projects and unfortunately my final sprint of SIMS Bulk Import has grind to a halt. On the plus side I managed to swash a few more bugs last month, get a code signing certificate. This will mean all future releases will be signed as coming from me which is great news, it adds a layer of confidence that the code you run is unaltered by a third party. I’ve also started reviewing my other projects, ensure that the code on the public repository is up-to-date, I’ve also switched over to Git and copied them all over to GitHub. At bit more on that later.
Part of the updated process was to use a Continuous Integration server – specifically TeamCity. Simply put, these allowed the builds to occur on a dedicated box which made the whole process quicker and easier – it also added confidence as it ensured that everything required was commit in the repository. The only downside to this is the cost – although renting a VPS from OVH is cheap, it still isn’t cost effective due to the limited amount of time I actually use it, I’m therefore looking at moving it to Azure as you only pay for provisioned resources and your can de-provision servers and only pay for the storage. Alas this means more messing about setting up servers.